Storage Units Make Spring Cleaning Easier

Storage Units Make Spring Cleaning Easier

Safely Storing Your Fragile Items In A Storage Unit

by Anni Heikkinen

There are several important considerations to remember when storing fragile items in a rented storage unit. From choosing appropriate packing materials to optimizing weight distribution, ensuring temperature control, and pest prevention, every step is crucial in preserving the integrity of your delicate belongings.

Consideration: The Quality Of The Packing Materials You Use 

Selecting the right packing materials is essential to safeguarding fragile items during storage. Opt for sturdy cardboard boxes or plastic containers that can withstand the weight and provide adequate protection. Consider investing in specialized packaging such as foam inserts or bubble wrap to cushion delicate objects effectively.

To ensure maximum protection, carefully wrap each fragile item using bubble wrap or packing paper layers. Pay extra attention to vulnerable areas such as corners or handles by adding additional cushioning material. While it is common to use newspapers, this should be avoided because it may leave ink stains on your valuables.

Maintaining an organized system is crucial when storing fragile items. Label boxes with their contents and mark them as fragile using bright-colored markers or adhesive labels.

Consideration: Stackability And Weight Distribution

Proper stackability is vital when storing fragile items to avoid any potential damage from shifting or collapsing boxes. Place heavier boxes at the bottom while ensuring lighter ones are stacked on top.

Distribute weight evenly within each box to prevent breakage. Place heavier items towards the center and surround them with lighter objects or cushioning materials. A well-balanced distribution will minimize any strain on fragile items.

Consider utilizing shelves or racks within the storage unit for better organization and accessibility. Storing fragile items individually on these surfaces can reduce the risk of accidental damage caused by moving other boxes around.

Consideration: The Temperature Control Capabilities Of The Unit

Maintaining a stable temperature is crucial to preserve the integrity of delicate belongings, especially those sensitive to extreme heat or cold. Fluctuating temperatures can lead to structural damage or deterioration, rendering your fragile items vulnerable.

Choose a climate-controlled storage unit that allows you to regulate temperature and humidity levels effectively. When assessing potential storage units, choose an option that can provide a temperature and humidity range suitable for your items.

Consideration: The Pest Control Practices Of The Facility

Pests can wreak havoc on your fragile items if not properly prevented. Before storing any belongings, ensure that the storage unit is clean and free from any existing pest infestations by thoroughly inspecting it beforehand.

You may also want to apply pest control products to the boxes as a preventative measure. Additionally, you can take additional preventive measures against pests by using appropriate deterrents, such as mothballs or traps strategically placed within the storage unit near your valuable possessions.


About Me

Storage Units Make Spring Cleaning Easier

Including my husband and I, we have a family of six, but we live in a smaller house to help stash away more money in our children's college funds. Our family does a big house spring cleaning every year, and up until a few years ago, it used to be a lot more stressful. It got a lot easier when we decided to start renting a storage unit. Now, we keep our winter clothes in the unit during the summer and vice versa, and we store items we only use occasionally. Not having so much "stuff" around the house just makes it a lot easier to keep our house clean and free of clutter. I have learned a lot about storage units since we started renting ours, so I thought I would start a blog to share my tips on to help anyone who needs them!